Local hospital reduces workforce

Amid the impact of COVID-19, Titus Regional Medical Center (TRMC) implemented an expense-reduction plan April 2 which included approximately a 10 percent reduction in full-time employees for the health system.  Reductions included elimination of approximately 45 positions and furloughing approximately 35 team members.  Furlough is expected to last approximately 90 days and these employees will still receive benefits during the time.  Minimal impact was made to areas in the patient tower and the COVID-19 impacted areas.  The cuts included administrative, business support, ambulatory and managerial positions.

    “We work with a very tight profit margin even before this pandemic,’ explained Terry Scoggin, CEO of TRMC. “There’s not a lot of safety net for independent rural hospitals.”

   TRMC expects COVID-19 to cost the health system approximately $3.5 million.  

   “Our community is going through a critical health crisis right now and we truly appreciate the doctors, nurses and clinical teams on the front-line selfishly fighting for this community,” Scoggin said.  “Our commitment is to these heroes and these decisions allowed us to focus our resources on these heroes.”

   TRMC supports Titus County along with five surrounding counties serving approximately 100,000 people in the community. 

   “The cuts made this month will allow for continued financial viability during these very uncertain times,” Scoggin said. “Our mission to “Create Healthier Tomorrows” and our vision to provide exceptional healthcare to this community means tough decisions will have to be made to continue on this vital path.”