Local airport receives sizeable grant
The Mount Pleasant Regional Airport is the recipient of a $1.3 million grant recently approved by the Texas Transportation Commission at its April 2020 meeting.
The funds will be used for planned airport improvements which include pavement improvements and construction which began earlier this spring. Project costs will be funded through the city of Mount Pleasant and TxDOT’s Aviation Facilities Grant Program which preserves and improves the state’s general aviation system.
This year, TxDOT expects to provide approximately $60 million in funding for planning, constructing and maintaining community airports. Approximately 275 community airports in Texas are eligible for funding. Arrivals and departures from community airports account for more than three million flight hours per year and provide aircraft facilities for agricultural, medical, business and commuter use.
The award-winning Mount Pleasant Regional Airport officially opened in 2002 and is located three miles south of beautiful downtown Mount Pleasant off U.S. 271 South on Mike Hall Parkway.
The airport is also home to the Mid America Flight Museum. Started in 2013 by Mount Pleasant resident and businessman, Scott Glover, the museum is a stunning collection of aircraft from a 1925 Waco Nine to the 1951 Grumman Albatross. And everything at the museum flies or is being restored to fly. The private-owned museum is open to the public on Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
The airport has both 100LL and Jet-A fuels. We accept MasterCard, Visa, Discover, American Express, Multi-Service and Phillips 66 credit cards for Jet-A fuel. The 100LL pump is a 24-hour automated pump that can be accessed by use of MasterCard, Visa, Multi-Service, Discover or American Express credit cards.
Runway 17/35 is 6,004’ x 100 feet with a full-length parallel taxiway and medium intensity pilot controlled lighting. PAPI Lights on both 17/35 runways. The airport longitude is N.33 05.7 and the latitude is W. 094 57.6 and features Unicom: 122.7, Lights: Preset to low intensity, Increase intensity CTAF. PAPI and REIL lights, Ft. Worth Center: 132.85, 132.02, Instrument Approach: GPS 17, GPS 35, VOR/DME and AWOS III Weather Station: 119.775/903-575-4027.
Other features of the airport include: after-hours waiting area with restrooms and phone, a conference room, a pilots’ lounge, a secure well-lighted ramp and fuel area, weather and flight planning and wireless internet. For more information about ground transportation services and other services, please call (903) 575-4020
After-hours access is available to restrooms, telephone, water and shelter in the front vestibule of the airport (excluding holidays). After 6 p.m. and on holidays please call the Mount Pleasant Police Department at 903-575-4004.