College offers new training to local businesses amid impact of COVID-19

In response to COVID-19, the Commissioners of the Texas Workforce Commission approved new Skills initiatives to assist businesses in training and growing their workforce as Texas reopens for business. Their recommendation supports up to $10 million in Skills Development Funds to support training in High Demand occupations at prevailing wage with priority given to training in the healthcare, manufacturing (including food and agriculture), and IT sectors retooling business processes in direct response to needs identified by COVID-19. 

    In this instance, training may be provided to individuals who are seeking employment and not associated with a participating business partner, initially. Training to individuals may be in one of the following critical areas listed above. Northeast Texas Community College, along with our local workforce boards and Economic Development Corporation, will be partnering to ensure that the Northeast Texas Region can receive the help and support necessary during this time.

   To determine whether or not your business or you as an individual will qualify for training funded by the state, contact Jimmy Smith, Workforce Program Developer at Northeast Texas Community College at